Work and Carnivale

So, I've been quite busy at work this week, as I helped to proof a witness for trial (which involves going over their original statement with them, and clarifying any issues), and then was actually in the courtroom for the examination of this witness, which was very interesting!! There is simulataneous translation in English, French (because our presiding judge is French, the Chamber actually works in French!), and BCS, which is the acronym used for Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian, the Yugoslav languages - there are slight differences between them, but there is a sort of central version known as BCS - sort of like the way Italian is used in Italy, but there are still vastly different dialects within the regions.
So it's much easier to understand the demeanour and reactions of the witnesses and the parties when actually in court, as often a lot gets lost in the translation, particularly when watching it on screen. There were some interesting confrontations between our prosecution side and the defence, also, but our witness held up quite well in the face of all the activity!!
Last weekend was Carnivale and Mardi Gras, which is basically when the Dutch and the Germans dress up and go crazy as a precursor to all the deprivations during the Catholic Lent. So after a big night out for my flatmate's birthday on Friday night, we had another big night out Saturday, for Mardi Gras, where we all dressed up and danced the night away! (See my little kid's faery costume below!)
In other news, I will be moving house next week - my current apartment is way too expensive for what it entails, including no living room, faulty electrics, and a hostile landlady, who moved 2 random guys in for 4 days, allowing them to smoke in the kitchen, our only common area! Considering she is treating it like a hostel, I have given her a week's notice, and am moving out at the end of the month, as I have found a much better deal! My new place is much cheaper, and has a huge living room and kitchen (including an oven!! and a couch!!), and even a garden out my window! I will be very sad to leave my lovely flatmates, but as they will be leaving at the end of March, and we work together, we will still keep in contact! My new flatmates are a French Canadian guy and a Dutch guy, both of whom are very nice.
So, that's me for the moment - tomorrow I go to Berlin for 3 days, so I will have lots to report on next week!!