Concerts and Parties - it's a hard life!

Well, although the title of this post indicates that again, I am spending most of my time partying, you will all be pleased to know that I have actually finally started classes!
I have 9 hours of class a week, conveniently spaced over Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so I still get 4 day weekends, which is most important for all my European travel!
I have International Trade and Finance Law on Tuesday afternoons, which seems midly interesting, the UN Human Rights System on Wednesday morning, which I very much enjoy, and International Copyright at the ungodly hour of 8:15am on Thursday (particularly so as I have to catch the 7:25am bus, and it's still dark!). So far, so good - they all seem manageable, interesting and useful - and they all have oral exams at the end of the year, so a nice change from long written ones! As one of the only native English speakers in all my classes, I am also at an advantage, usually over the lecturer also, which is good, however my lack of knowledge about European law will probably even up the balance!
Last week was the Aarhus Festival, which was themed as "Womania", so lots of events around this topic - unfortunately, due to a combination of classes and a rather nasty cold I have picked up, I didn't actually attend many of the events, but the decorations were interesting - hot pink bras strung everywhere!
I did, however, go to a Danish rock/pop concert last Tuesday (where I think I picked up my cold coming home after midnight!), which was lots of fun - they had decorated with sand and palmtrees, and the bands were actually really good!

On Saturday night I had a belated birthday party, which was a nice relaxed bbq in the afternoon, degenerating into drinking and chatting through the evening. Around 35 people turned up, which is a good number - I've made some really good friends here, as evidenced by the trouble they went to, making me a cake, decorating and even presents! I got a rubber vase, which sounds strange, but is actually a normal vase made of flexible rubbery material - very practical for the travelling girl! And also some photo frames and a thermos, which will also be practical in this cold weather! And three of my Danish flatmates gave me a tape of a Hans Christian Anderson tale in Danish, to practice my language skills!

German Phillip, Canadian Jonathan, Aussie Ben

Aussie Peter, Canadian Jade, German Sonja

My lovely rubber vase!

My Danish flatmates (L-R): Tobias, Mikkel and Peter
All in all, it has been another busy and enjoyable week - I'm hoping to kick this cold soon, particularly as we are heading to Copenhagen this weekend, to see the city, and also see the band Mogwai.
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